Welcome to Summer/Autumn 2025.

Please ensure you sign on before you take the field.  Fail to sign in & it will cost your team a point.  Team Shirts by round 5 kickoff please.

Low speed when entering & leaving the venues & PLEASE DO SO QUIETLY.

Wed Carrawood Draw

Wednesday Rosford:  We love that you love to play oztag and play in multiple teams but what a headache it causes for my APP & ME.  My app sorts the clashes then time requests as best it can.  Then I manually move games to be even more accommodating but it’s just not possible to avoid them.  Out of 54 teams only a couple have no clashes, many with 6 or more some with 10.  I’ll always do my best to minimise the clashes but it may mean time requests go out the door.  Smile & Enjoy.

Wednesday Rosford Draw