Teams in yellow have two games.
Indies players please check the team you are in as I’ve had enough players to make two teams in each of the 10’s & 12’s. If you are in a team & your friend is in the other team please email me and let me know so i can make changes.
Shorts Tights will be on sale each night of the comp. A canteen is run with drinks, chips, lollies & Zooper Dooper ice blocks. (all the good stuff). If you need shorts please be early.
FINALLY: WE HAVE FUN. There is no room for bad behaviour or sportsmanship.
PLEASE NOTE: I won’t tolerate any unacceptable behaviour from players, parents & spectators & If you have anything to say or yell out towards my referee’s it better be positive or BYE BYE.
Now let’s have a good comp.